
October News / Les nouvelles d’octobre

We have greatly enjoyed getting to know the students over the past few weeks. As we continue on to October there are a few reminders and some important things we’d like to share with you. We hope that the fall season finds you and your loved ones well as always.

Thank you for your continued support,

Mme Smith and Ms. Albrecht

Our class website is now LIVE! Simply go the PLR website (, click STAFF, then click on either Mme Smith’s name or Ms. Albrecht’s name to access the class website! There you will find MANY helpful tips, fun activities, important information and updates that will likely answer many of your questions!

Open House
PLR is hosting its Open House on October 20th this year. We strongly recommend that you attend this important evening if you are able. In addition to getting to meet us the teachers, you will receive a Year At A Glance summary page and your child will be able to share with you some of their work and give you a classroom tour! We look forward to meeting you.  

Indoor Shoes
All students MUST have a separate pair of indoor and outdoor shoes for school. This helps to maintain the cleanliness of our school and is also essential for the safety of all our students. Please ensure that your child has an indoor and outdoor pair of shoes for school each day. Thank you to the families who have already done this.

Grade 3 Responsibilities
As the students grow and mature so do their responsibilities. This is simply a reminder that it is the students’ responsibility to bring the agenda each night for you to sign and to return the agenda each day. It is also their responsibility to share forms and letters with you and return these items to school when necessary placing them in the designated areas. Responsibility is an important learning skill and is evaluated on the report card.

Progress Report Reminders
We take a great deal of time to get to know the students and to assess where they are at academically. We will always share our concerns with you should any arise. That being said, the progress report is a time to inform you about your child’s progress thus far in the year and to highlight those concerns should we have any. We simply don’t have enough data until that time to make a clear determination of their academic progress. As many of you know, you won’t see letter grades in the academic areas of the progress report card. This is for two reasons. The first being that the learning skills are really the focus of the first report as we establish good learning habits, and second because we simply haven’t had enough time to assess their academic level. We can simply speak to their progress thus far and make suggestions as to how to proceed towards the Term 1 Report card to achieve their full potential.

Arrival and Dismissal Reminders
Students who arrive after the 8:40am entry time MUST be signed in at the office prior to proceeding to the class. They MAY NOT simply enter the portable. They must provide the classroom teacher with a “late slip” that can only be obtained at the office. Students are dismissed at the end of the day from the portable at 3:10pm. There is a teacher who is on duty outside to supervise students for 15minutes following the dismissal bell. Please review with your child their specific dismissal routine. This may include a meeting place, who they are to meet, going to MCRC etc.

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